5 Factors Considered During a Dental Crown Placement Procedure

5 Factors Considered During a Dental Crown Placement Procedure

February 1, 2022

Sometimes, a filling may not be enough, or a tooth might become misshapen. An oral dental care provider might recommend a dental crown in such situations. The crown restores, covers, and protects the shape of your broken teeth. Although it seems frightening and unfamiliar, getting a crown is a safe and common procedure.

After the dental crown procedure, your teeth become stronger, last longer, and your beautiful smile is restored. Crowns also hold a bridge or a dental implant in place. Here is some important information about what to expect during a dental crown procedure.

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a type of dental restoration that covers the top of your teeth completely. The crown also referred to as a dental cap, is usually made of resin or porcelain. Your dentist might recommend a crown for several reasons. Some reasons include having a large cavity that threatens your tooth’s health or if your tooth is decayed or worn down.

Usually, dental crowns are placed after a root canal or a dental implant procedure. Our dentist at We Care Dental in Phoenix, AZ, will custom-make your crown to make it fit well and look as natural as your teeth.

Our dentist will consider some factors for the right crown option. They include:

  • Shades and colors surrounding your teeth
  • The position of your gum tissues and gum line
  • Your tooth location and function
  • Signs of teeth clenching that determine the crown material used
  • How many teeth is exposed when you smile

Dental Crown Procedure

You can go for a dental crown near you at a certified dentist’s office. The procedure is complete in the course of two appointments. During the procedure, your dentist will administer anesthesia to prevent cases of pain or sensitivity. In addition, the dentist will ensure you’re comfortable throughout the procedure.

The First Appointment

Your dental care provider will evaluate your tooth and prepare it for crown placement. They’ll take an image of your tooth, the bone surrounding the tooth, and file down your tooth. The material of the crown determines the amount of filling you’ll receive. For example, porcelain crowns need more teeth removal than metal crowns.

Once your tooth is ready, your dentist will make an impression using the paste of the tooth receiving the crown. Impressions of teeth above the crown will also be taken for the crown to fit perfectly with your bite. Then, your dentist sends the impression to the lab for the crown to be made. It takes about two to three weeks for the crown to be ready. You’ll be given a temporary crown to wear between the first and second visit.

Your Second Appointment

It’s time to get your tooth crown placed. First, your dentist will remove the temporary crown. They’ll then check the shape and color of the new crown, fit it and cement it permanently in place. Your dentist may use anesthesia to numb the area to prevent and pain or discomfort.

Same-Day Crowns Procedure

Your dentist might construct the dental crown and place it on the same day in the dental office. This doesn’t need any impression of the teeth sent to a dental laboratory.

A scanning device is used to take pictures of the tooth instead of making an impression. The images are uploaded to the computer that creates the tooth’s 3D model. Your dentist uses the model to make a ceramic crown on the same day. The method is completed in 15 minutes so that the crown is put in place quickly.

The Recovery Process

You’ll experience some inflammation or irritation as a result of the procedure. Your dentist will provide you with after-care tips. Also, the tooth will have a slightly different shape after the procedure; hence it’ll feel different, but it should feel normal after a few days. If the tooth crown doesn’t feel normal a few days after the procedure, visit a dentist near you for analysis. The dentist might re-examine the tooth and make some adjustments if necessary.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

When you get a dental crown, you’ll get the following benefits:

  • Dental crowns protect a tooth with decay: If your tooth has been treated many times for decay, your dentist may place a crown to save the tooth.
  • They protect a damaged tooth from falling apart: Your tooth may get an infection that sabotages your inner tooth tissues. Your dentist will eliminate the infected part, put a filling and cover the filling with a crown.
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